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5 FAQs About How Vaping Impacts Your Oral Health

October 5, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — legacytrailsdental @ 3:07 pm

person vaping

Vaping is an alternative to smoking cigarettes that has been marketed as healthier and safer for your body. The only problem is, there’s not really enough long-term research out there that proves that’s true. In September of this year, national health authorities started looking further into this new market due to an outbreak of lung disease and other health problems across America. Many people have questions and are wondering whether vaping is truly worse than consuming regular tobacco products. Read on for five FAQs about e-cigarettes and vaping by a dentist in Plano.

How Will Vaping Impact My Oral Health?

While there is little to no long-term research on vaping and using e-cigarettes, the current research available does show that this habit has several negative impacts on your teeth and gums. These include:

  • A study in 2018 showed that teeth exposed to aerosol from e-cigarettes had more bacteria accumulation in the pits and crevices of them, causing higher rates of enamel erosion.
  • In 2016, researchers found that e-cigarettes could lead to gum and oral tissue inflammation.
  • According to a study published in 2018, vaping aerosols can damage DNA and lead to cell death, increasing the risk of developing oral health problems.

Is Vaping Worse Than Smoking For My Oral Health?

In 2018, the National Academy of Sciences published a peer-reviewed study stating that vaping poses fewer health risks than smoking cigarettes. In this same study, they also found conclusive evidence that exposure to e-liquids can have serious negative effects on your health. While researchers have shown that vaping is the lesser of two evils when you compare the use of cigarettes to e-cigarettes, the research doesn’t completely negate the effects that vaping has on people’s oral and overall health.

Are the Negative Effects Worse If My Vape Juice Contains Nicotine?

Additional negative oral side effects can be caused by smoking vape juice that contains nicotine. A study published in 2010 looked at the relationship between nicotine and oral tissues and found that tobacco use results in a higher risk of gum disease and poorer oral hygiene. The researcher also found that it increases the changes of oral cancer development, dental discoloration, chronic bad breath, delayed healing, and increased risk of cleft palate. In short, the addition of nicotine into vape juices can cause serious additional harm to your mouth.

Are Flavored Juices Worse For My Oral Health?

There aren’t many studies available that compared the effects of different flavors of vape juices and oral health problems; however, a study published in Head & Face Medicine found that menthol-flavored vape juices containing nicotine reduced the presence of healthy oral cells that produce collagen and keep your skin looking youthful and lifted.

How Can I Minimize The Effects of Vaping On My Oral Health?

If you vape, you have an increased risk of developing health problems, making it extremely important to look after your teeth and gums. The best way to do this is to:

  • Decrease your nicotine consumption by choosing juices that contain little or no nicotine.
  • Stay hydrated by drinking water after each time you vape to prevent bad breath and reduce bacteria accumulation.
  • Keep up with your oral hygiene routine by brushing at least twice each day and flossing daily.
  • Visit your dentist in Plano for semi-annual checkups and cleanings.

If you notice that your gums are swollen or bleeding, or you have oral sores that won’t heal, immediately contact a trusted dentist to examine your mouth. With the right preventive measures in place, you can keep vaping from ruining your oral health and causing long-term issues such as gum disease.

About the Practice

At Legacy Trails Dental, we have a highly skilled and knowledgeable team of three dentists. With decades of experience under their belts, our team is passionate about providing thorough and high-quality preventive dental care to keep patients from experiencing severe oral health problems. We look forward to giving each of our patients one-on-one attention so we can learn about the issues they’re facing and provide them with custom-tailored treatments to solve their oral health problems. For questions or to schedule a routine checkup and cleaning, visit our website or call 214-227-1000.



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