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Big Reasons to Be Thankful for Dental Implants

October 19, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — legacytrailsdental @ 7:55 am
A closeup of dental implants from Plano

As Thanksgiving gets closer, it’s easy to get caught up in all the hustle and bustle. After all, there’s food to make, travels to plan, and relatives to meet and greet! Even so, don’t forget the reason for the season: giving thanks. In particular, you might want to show gratitude for dental implants from Plano (if you have them). These dental restorations add quite a lot to a patient’s life. In fact, your local dentist is here to prove it. Read on to learn four big reasons to be thankful for dental implants on Thanksgiving.

Implants Fully Restore Your Smile

If you don’t already know, dental implants restore your smile with artificial teeth. However, unlike other prosthetics, their features let them act and look like natural pearly whites.

Consider an implant’s titanium post, for example. Since it’s made of biocompatible metal, your replacement tooth can (and should) fuse with your jawbone. In doing so, it remains secure and won’t slip or fall like dentures or bridges might. Furthermore, the post’s durability ensures it can handle the force from your bite and chew tough foods.

An implant’s porcelain surface also makes contributions. In particular, it’s customized to match your tooth enamel’s color and thus blend seamlessly with your smile.

Implants Make You Look Younger

Implants don’t just help your smile’s appearance; they work to make your face look younger too.

You see, missing teeth tend to age your appearance. The resulting gaps look bad, and they trigger further tooth loss. As the latter process continues, it can cause facial collapse — a condition that makes your face seem hollow and wrinkly.

Thankfully, though, dental implants prevent facial collapse. Because they stop teeth from shifting and falling out, they preserve your jaw’s structure. As a result, the implants will leave your face looking firm, full, and youthful.

They Strengthen Your Oral Health

As it turns out, implants can benefit your health as much as your looks. Namely, they allow your natural teeth and gums to stay healthy.

As mentioned before, implants can prevent tooth loss. They keep other teeth from shifting, thus stopping pearly whites from falling out of your mouth. Even better, this tooth preservation also protects parts of your gums that would otherwise be exposed to bacteria.

Implants Aren’t Hard to Maintain

You might not think it, but you can actually care for implants like regular teeth. In other words, you must brush them twice daily and floss them once daily. Otherwise, the only requirements are avoiding bad oral habits and seeing your dentist for checkups twice yearly.

In the end, dental implants from Plano really make a difference. As such, remember to give thanks for them during the holiday season.

About the Practice

Legacy Trails Dental is based in Plano, TX. As led by Drs. Afshin Azmoodeh and Tatyana Romanoff, our practice takes a personal approach with patients. Doing so lets us offer personalized preventive, cosmetic, and restorative dentistry, as well as emergency dental care. We also take pride in being a certified provider of SureSmile clear aligners. For more information or to book a visit, you can reach us on our website or by phone at (214)-227-1000.

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