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Legacy Trails Dental of Plano Blog

Still Have Insurance Benefits to Use? Call Your Dentist in Plano Today!

October 13, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — legacytrailsdental @ 5:30 pm

Dental insurance, laptopHave you gotten the most out of your insurance policy this year? Many plans will reset once 2020 arrives, and typically the benefits of your plan will be reset instead of rolling over – or, in other words, if you don’t use these benefits, you lose them! Read on to learn why visiting your dentist in Plano and using your insurance now could ultimately end up saving you hundreds of dental dollars.


5 FAQs About How Vaping Impacts Your Oral Health

October 5, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — legacytrailsdental @ 3:07 pm

person vaping

Vaping is an alternative to smoking cigarettes that has been marketed as healthier and safer for your body. The only problem is, there’s not really enough long-term research out there that proves that’s true. In September of this year, national health authorities started looking further into this new market due to an outbreak of lung disease and other health problems across America. Many people have questions and are wondering whether vaping is truly worse than consuming regular tobacco products. Read on for five FAQs about e-cigarettes and vaping by a dentist in Plano. (more…)

How Technology Helps the Placement of Dental Implants

October 1, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — legacytrailsdental @ 2:00 pm

woman holding dental implants in Plano

If you’re missing one or more teeth, odds are you’re considering or at least have heard of dental implants. In case you haven’t heard about them, dental implants are titanium posts that are surgically inserted below the gumline and directly into the jawbone to replace the root of a tooth that has been lost. When it comes to tooth replacement methods, dental implants are truly in a class of their own. That’s thanks in part to modern technological advancements. Let’s take a closer look at a couple of dental technologies that help in the placement of dental implants in Plano.


5 Reasons Your Dentures Need to Be Replaced

September 3, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — legacytrailsdental @ 12:48 pm

denturesYour dentures in Plano are custom-fitted replacement teeth that don’t have the ability to change like your mouth does. That’s why you’ll need to have them replaced every five to 10 years based on your dentist’s recommendation. They’re vital to your day-to-day functioning, and when properly cared for, they can even improve your oral health. So, why would you need your restorations adjusted or replaced? Here are five signs that could indicate it’s time to see your dentist to discuss your dentures. (more…)

Want More Secure Dentures? Find Out How Dental Implants Can Help

August 20, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — legacytrailsdental @ 11:49 am

Implant-retained lower archDid you know that dentures have been around since at least 700 BC? In fact, a set of dentures made from bone and gold wire were found in an Egyptian tomb, and researchers think they may have been the first-ever attempt at making false teeth. Today, around 36 million Americans use modern dentures that are better than ever, but they can still become loose and ill-fitting over time. Fortunately, dental implants in Plano are an outstanding way to improve the way dentures fit, giving you a smile that looks and feels much more natural than before. Keep reading to find out why dentures become loose and how implants can help!


4 Summer Tips From An Emergency Dentist in Plano

July 30, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — legacytrailsdental @ 3:45 pm

children playing at poolSummertime is notoriously known for dental emergencies. With all the spare time and warm weather, children and adults alike want to enjoy the outdoors more, which can lead to chipped, cracked, and damaged teeth. You can help your family get the most out of your frequent visits to the community pool and planned road trips by avoiding a visit to an emergency dentist in Plano. Read on for 4 tips to reduce your risk of dental dilemmas. (more…)

Summer Is a Great Time To Restore Your Smile With Dental Implants In Plano

June 5, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — legacytrailsdental @ 5:59 pm

Image of an implant in the bottom jawIt’s easy to take your teeth for granted, but even losing just one tooth can really impact your oral health, confidence, and well-being. By replacing missing teeth with implants, you can greatly improve your oral health for the rest of your life. And summertime is the perfect opportunity since you don’t have the added stress of the holidays or busy school schedules. Keep reading to learn more about why having a full set of teeth is so important and why dental implants in Plano are such a great replacement option!


Get A Freshened Smile For Summer By Visiting Your Dentist in Plano

May 24, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — legacytrailsdental @ 1:21 pm

person smilingYou may not consider your oral health a priority, which is why you haven’t bothered calling to schedule your routine checkup and cleaning with your dentist in Plano. You figure that brushing twice a day and flossing is enough to keep any problems at bay. Visiting your dentist every six-months can do more than clean up your smile though. Diligently keeping up with your oral health by seeing your dental professional every six months can do wonders for your oral and overall health. Read on to learn about what exactly to expect during your routine visit and why freshening up your smile in time for summer will make you feel great! (more…)

Discover the Advantages of Dental Implants in Plano for a Restored Smile

April 8, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — legacytrailsdental @ 7:16 pm

an older woman looking at her smile in the mirrorIf it’s time to do something about those gaping holes in your mouth, look no further than dental implants Plano. Missing teeth can cause you to lose confidence in yourself, as well as create serious problems with your oral health. It may seem unthinkable that one tooth could do so much damage, but it’s true. Even one missing tooth can cause the bone to deteriorate, teeth to shift, and additional tooth loss. To prevent this from happening, let’s look at the advantages of choosing implant-retained dentures over traditional dentures.


Need Dental Care In a Hurry? A Dentist In Plano Has Weekend Hours!

March 21, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — legacytrailsdental @ 6:37 pm

Woman brushing her teeth with a painful expressionWhen it comes to dental care, sometimes our teeth don’t always cooperate with our schedules. Many people not only have a hard time scheduling routine checkups during normal work hours, but emergencies often happen on the weekends as well. That’s why you’ll be glad to know that there’s a dentist in Plano who’s open 7 days a week! Learn more below about our hours and services, and, in the event that you need emergency care, what an emergency visit might look like.


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