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Legacy Trails Dental of Plano Blog

It’s the Perfect Time of Year For a Spring Cleaning With a Dentist In Plano!

March 12, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — legacytrailsdental @ 1:07 pm

Smiling family in the spring seasonIf you took a poll asking people to name their favorite season, there’s a good chance most of them would say spring! After a long, dreary winter, there’s nothing like longer days, warmer weather, and green grass. But, while many people feel the urge to spring clean their house, garage, or even their desk at work, they may forget to include a dental “spring cleaning” on that list. And, even if you do well with brushing and flossing at home, your oral health needs a little (professional) extra attention throughout the year. Keep reading to learn about the benefits of a professional checkup and cleaning and why it’s such a great time to schedule the whole family!


Tax Season Is a Great Time To Restore Your Smile With Dental Implants in Plano!

February 3, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — legacytrailsdental @ 3:10 pm

Model of an implant in the lower jawDid you know that an estimated 178 million Americans are missing at least one tooth? Unfortunately, tooth loss can occur for many different reasons: gum disease, genetics, poor oral hygiene, and accidents are just some of them! Dental implants in Plano are a fantastic solution for tooth loss because they look and feel incredibly natural. And the fact that they can last a lifetime makes them one of the best long-term investments you can make in your oral health. However, like any investment, there is a short-term cost to take into consideration. If you’ve been wanting to restore your smile with dental implants but haven’t had the savings, a tax refund might be the perfect opportunity. Keep reading to learn more about dental implants below!


Take Care of Your Oral Health in 2019 By Scheduling With a Dentist in Plano!

January 18, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — legacytrailsdental @ 2:45 pm

Smiling woman in dental chairThese days, there’s a lot of information out there about how to stay healthy, like eating less sugar or walking 10,000 steps a day. But one thing you don’t hear about as often is your oral health. And it turns out that healthy teeth and gums not only help your smile look and feel great, but also contribute to your physical health as well. One of the best ways to improve your oral health is scheduling a checkup with a dentist in Plano, and, since the year just got started, it’s a perfect time to do that. Keep reading to learn about the many ways checkups benefit you and how they can help you achieve great oral health in 2019!


A Dentist in Plano Discusses Oral Health During Cold and Flu Season

December 12, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — legacytrailsdental @ 11:29 pm

woman about to sneezeAchoo! Bless you! If you get a cold or the flu this season, be sure to stay home from work or school, drink plenty of fluids and rest. But you probably already know that. What you might not know is that some of the remedies you choose to alleviate symptoms can affect your teeth. Read on to learn what a dentist in Plano recommends so you can battle the bug and maintain your smile.


Visit Your Dentist in Plano Before Your Benefits Expire

November 18, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — legacytrailsdental @ 1:28 am

toothbrush and flossNow is a hectic and exciting time of year as you shop for the perfect gifts and plan tasty holiday meals. Although times may be busy, do not forget about your dental insurance. If you do not use your benefits before the end of the year, they will expire. You lose the opportunity to visit your dentist in Plano for affordable rates to keep your smile healthy.

3 Reasons to Secure Dentures with Dental Implants in Plano

October 12, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — legacytrailsdental @ 9:06 pm

An older man eating an apple.It’s reassuring to know that options exist when it comes to reliable tooth replacement. While there are many options, they are not necessarily created equal. If you currently wear dentures or have been for a long time, then you already know what we’re talking about. Dentures have a tendency to shift around the mouth while in use, feel uncomfortable and make even the most basic tasks like chewing and talking difficult.

Luckily, there’s a better solution. Here are three good reasons to fit your next pair of dentures with dental implants in Plano.


Seven Common Myths about Dental Implants

September 11, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — legacytrailsdental @ 10:32 pm
close-up of dental implantDental implants have been around for decades now. In that time they’ve helped thousands of patients to regain their self-confidence while enabling them to live a fuller, more active life. Despite these facts, unfortunate misconceptions persist about this gentle, effective form of dental therapy. In this post we’ll set the record straight.


How Do Dentures Compare To Dental Implants?

July 21, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — legacytrailsdental @ 3:24 pm

Implant-supported bridge in lower jawThere are countless reasons for tooth loss, including gum disease, large cavities, accidents, genetics, poor hygiene and age. Unfortunately, despite the many reasons for losing teeth, dentures were the one and only way to replace them for many decades! Then implants came along and changed dentistry forever. If you’re trying to decide between dentures and dental implants, you probably have some questions about which option is right for you. Below you’ll learn about the main difference between them and the pros and cons of each!


What Should You Eat After Getting Dental Implants?

July 10, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — legacytrailsdental @ 12:58 pm

Dental implant in lower jawDid you recently get dental implants? Congratulations! You’re on your way to enjoying many years of great oral health. Implants provide superior chewing strength and function for patients who have lost teeth. Not to mention that they look and feel more like your natural teeth than any other option. But what should you eat after dental implants and is there anything you should avoid? Keep reading to find out what the best diet is after getting implants. You’ll also get some great maintenance tips to keep your implants strong and healthy for many years!


How to Give Your Dental Implants the Best Chance of Success

June 15, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — legacytrailsdental @ 6:48 pm

laughing older coupleMany dentists recommend dental implants to their patients who have missing teeth. This restorative dentistry treatment provides beautiful, long-lasting results that offer numerous oral health benefits. However, some individuals may shy away from implants because they’re heard horror stories about implant failure. Just how often does this unfortunate incident happen, and if you decide to get implants, how can you decrease the chances that they’ll fail?


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