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Teeth Whitening – Plano, TX

Achieve the Bright, Beautiful Smile You Desire

Even if your teeth only have a slightly yellow tinge, your smile may be aging you and negatively impacting your self-esteem. The good news is that stubborn stains don’t have to be a permanent fixture of your smile from this point forward. On the contrary, our Plano cosmetic dentists can reveal a bright, beautiful smile with in-office and take-home teeth whitening treatments! If you’re interested in this cosmetic dental service, then contact our team to schedule a consultation or keep reading to learn more.

Why Choose Legacy Trails Dental of Plano for Teeth Whitening?

Who Is a Good Candidate for Teeth Whitening?

Dentist smiling at patient during consultation

Candidates for teeth whitening are often patients who are unhappy with stubborn stains that have surfaced from frequent coffee consumption, certain medications, genetics, or the natural aging process. Of course, the best way to determine if this smile-enhancing treatment is right for you is by scheduling a consultation with us. That way, we can pinpoint the cause of your discoloration, assess your oral health, and learn about your smile goals.

How Does Teeth Whitening Work?

Closeup of patient's smile before and after teeth whitening treatment

At Legacy Trails Dental of Plano, we offer our patients two treatments: in-office teeth whitening with Boost or take-home whitening kits with Opalescence. Here’s a little bit more information about each:

Take-Home Teeth Whitening

Naturally, you might be wondering how our take-home whitening treatments differ from store-bought options. In addition to the initial exam, our Opalescence kits are custom-made and designed just for you. Plus, the powerful (but safe) whitening gels are reliable and deliver beautiful results, which you will see in two weeks or less.

In-Office Teeth Whitening

In-office teeth whitening treatments are equally as effective, but they deliver noticeable results in a single appointment. That’s why patients who have a wedding or another important event coming up love this option! We will take care of applying the gel and monitoring the whitening process to ensure you leave our office with the bright, beautiful smile you deserve.

Tips for Maintaining Your Brighter Smile

Smiling woman in white tank top brushing her teeth

To prevent stains from resurfacing, we recommend:

If your confidence has been negatively affected by a yellow tinge surfacing on your teeth, then schedule a consultation with our Plano cosmetic dentists. That way, we can determine the best way to brighten your smile, like with our in-office teeth whitening treatments!

Understanding the Cost of Teeth Whitening

plastic teeth clamping down on a stack of money

If the one hurdle standing in the way of you and a brighter smile is the cost of teeth whitening in Plano, our team can help. We want to see you thrive, and if that means having a brighter smile without having to purchase countless store-bought whitening products that could harm your teeth, we have just the answer. Our professional take-home and in-office teeth whitening treatments are affordable and effective.

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Factors That Can Impact the Cost of Teeth Whitening

a woman looking into a mirror at a dental office

While there are a few extenuating factors that can impact the cost of professional teeth whitening, treatment typically has one set cost. However, if you’re experiencing severe discoloration and require multiple treatments, have existing restorations, or require preparatory treatments beforehand, these could increase the cost of your service.

Different Teeth Whitening Methods & Their Associated Costs

a woman placing a whitening strip on her teeth

  • In-Office Teeth Whitening: In-office teeth whitening is the costliest but also most reliable treatment option. Its typical price tag is between $400 and $800.
  • Take-Home Teeth Whitening: Take-home professional teeth whitening allows you to benefit from using professional-grade ingredients, but also undergo treatment from the comfort of your own home. This option typically costs between $200 and $300.
  • Store-Bought Whitening Trays: Store-bought whitening trays can be found in most department stores and pharmacies and typically cost less than $100.
  • Whitening Strips, Gels & Toothpastes: Although incredibly accessible, costing between $10 and $50, whitening strips, gels, and toothpastes can lead to oral health concerns when overused.

The Benefits of Opting for Professional Whitening

a man getting in-office teeth whitening

When you choose professional teeth whitening from our team at Legacy Trails Dental of Plano, you’ll be able to achieve virtually guaranteed results within either two weeks (take-home treatment) or a single, hour-long appointment (in-office treatment). Plus, all of the ingredients we use are clinically tested and proven to be safe for your teeth, minimizing any side-effects that you’ll likely experience with over-the-counter products, like dental sensitivity.

Options for Making Teeth Whitening More Affordable

a front desk staff member at a dental office

To make this treatment as cost-effective and affordable as possible, we have a $59 teeth whitening special offer that you can take advantage of by simply calling our office. We also offer additional financing through CareCredit.

Teeth Whitening FAQs

So far, we’ve covered quite a bit about professional teeth whitening – from who is a candidate to the types of brightening treatments we offer. If you’re ready to schedule a consultation, then all you need to do is get in touch with our Plano dental team; we’ll help you from there. If, however, you still have a few questions on your mind, then this next section is for you! Below, we’ve answered a few FAQs about teeth whitening.

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Does Teeth Whitening Hurt?

If you overuse teeth whitening products, then you will experience uncomfortable sensitivity. That’s one of the many benefits of choosing to brighten your teeth professionally: your cosmetic dentist will oversee your treatment to ensure that your teeth and gums are protected every step of the way. Plus, if you’ve struggled with uncomfortable sensitivity in the past, they can tailor your treatment plan to help prevent that from happening, like spacing out your appointments or giving you a desensitizing toothpaste to use in the meantime!

What’s the Difference Between Professional and Store-Bought Teeth Whitening?

Although we won’t be able to list all of the differences here, we can certainly touch on some of the most notable ones. First, store-bought teeth whitening products don’t consider your unique smile, like the cause of your discoloration and any existing dental work. Second, the over-the-counter kits have one-size-fits-all applicators and diluted whitening agents, meaning they can maybe lighten your teeth by a shade or two. If you want to learn more about the benefits of investing in professional teeth whitening, don’t hesitate to ask – we’d be happy to provide you with more information at your consultation!

How Long Does Teeth Whitening Treatment Take?

Since every smile is unique, it really depends! For example, if you have more severe discoloration, then we may recommend several in-office whitening treatments, which can take a few months to complete. If, on the other hand, the stains are relatively minor and you want to address them from the comfort of your own home, you’ll see a noticeable difference in a week or two. If you want to transform your smile before a special event, like a wedding, then we strongly recommend scheduling a consultation sooner rather than later so we have plenty of time to get you the results you desire.

Is Teeth Whitening Permanent?

Sadly, the results of your teeth whitening treatment won’t last forever. Typically, they last for 3-6 months, but it really depends on how well you care for your smile. Best practices like brushing after each meal, visiting us every six months for a checkup and cleaning, and using a straw when drinking dark-colored beverages will go a long way in keeping your smile nice and bright! We also recommend steering clear of unhealthy habits, like smoking, and visiting us as needed for touch-up whitening treatments.